And I may always be idle, if I please: but as I have not my dear Sophy to chat and laugh with, I am as well pleased with some occupation. The remainder of my time is at my own disposal I have my harpsichord, my drawings, and books, just as in the convent, only that the mother abbess is not here to scold. My Mamma has told me, I must be with her every morning at her levee that it would be sufficient to have my head dressed by dinner, because we should always be alone, and that then she would each day tell me what time I should come to her apartment in the evening. I have a chamber-maid to myself a chamber and a closet of my own, and a very pretty scrutoire, of which I keep the key, and where I can lock up every thing. Mamma advises with me in every thing she behaves to me no longer as a boarder in a convent. In this single day I have seen more finery of attire, than in the four years we have spent together and I believe the haughty Tanville will be more mortified at my first visit, when I shall certainly desire to see her, than she used to be every time she came to see us in fiochi. You see, my dear friend, I keep my word, and that dress does not totally take up all my time I shall ever have some left for you. dangerous-liaisons-ebook.html Letters 1-20ĬECILIA VOLANGES to SOPHIA CARNAY, at the Convent of the Ursulines of. In some cases they will be expanded into longer entries as the Literary Encyclopedia evolves.You can also download this book in PDF, epub, and Kindle ebook formats, here: View recommended reading for this articleĤ027 Les Liaisons dangereuses 3 Historical context notes are intended to give basic and preliminary information on a topic.

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