Diary of frederick douglass
Diary of frederick douglass

diary of frederick douglass

The book found a wide transatlantic audience and went through many printings, but like most accounts of slave life it fell from favor as memory of the Civil War receded into myth and popular historical narratives tended toward reconciliation. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave, Written by Himself, appeared in 1845, the first of Douglass’s three autobiographies and likely the most famous American slave narrative ever published. Still, there were many other powerful voices leading the country toward abolition, and none more prominent than Frederick Douglass, the escaped slave whose oral and written advocacy made him one of the era’s most visible social reformers. Masur, John Burt, and George Kateb, Harvard University Press is certainly keeping pace. With books on Lincoln from Harold Holzer, Louis P. Lincoln himself remains the subject of scrutiny and celebration as the nation marks the 150 th anniversary of that major step toward the abolition of American slavery.

diary of frederick douglass

In September 1862, Abraham Lincoln gave notice that he intended to free the slaves held in states still in rebellion against the Union, a promise fulfilled by the Emancipation Proclamation issued on January 1, 1863.

Diary of frederick douglass