In it, Rousseau traces the course of Èmile’s development and the education he receives, an education designed to create in him all the virtues of Rousseau’s idealized natural man, uncorrupted by modern society. In 1742 he moved to Paris, France where he would become an influential writer and philosopher. He also wrote one of the most widely read novels of the century, Julie or the New Heloise. Born in Switzerland, he published important works on politics, music, and in Emile, education. It remains, even today, one of the most widely read and popular books on the subject, so much so that in Japan, the child development authority imposes on all kindergarten teachers reading Emile. Rousseau’s Èmile is a kind of half treatise, half novel that tells the life story of a fictional man named Èmile. Jean-Jacques Rousseau was born in Geneva, Switzerland in 1712. Title JeanJacques Rousseau, Emile (1762) Description Rousseau was the most controversial and paradoxical of the writers of the Enlightenment.

The education Rousseau recommended for Emile’s wife-to-be, Sophy, is presented in Chapter 5. Superb first bound edition of two volumes in one volume of this masterpiece by Émile ou De l'éducation which is a treatise on education by Jean-Jacques Rousseau published in 1762 - Jean-Jacques Rousseau (171288), one of the most important social and political philosophers of modern times, wrote a book on education which described the way he would educate an imaginary boy, Emile.