The unbearable lightness of being author
The unbearable lightness of being author

Following the three-part persuasive essay model, the author first explains the fundamental idea behind his philosophy and defines the terms to be used in his essay, then moves on to discuss his stance and other scholars viewpoints and once this is established, he hones the argument with fictional characters that he has interjected himself into to control their actions and validate his point.

the unbearable lightness of being author

Rather, the work may be viewed as an extended three-part persuasive essay of sorts with the author, Milan Kundera, attempting to prove his philosophy of “Lightness vs. Due to the non-chronological and non-linear nature of the work, it cannot be broken into plot-driven stages. The novel includes multiple interwoven plotlines surrounding different characters with the same events being narrated many times from different characters’ points of view.

the unbearable lightness of being author

The Unbearable Lightness of Being is as much of a philosophical work as it is a fictional story, not following a typical plotline.

The unbearable lightness of being author