al–are, for the School of Resentment, merely dead white European males, products of the “social energies” of their time. Hence the greater Western writers–Shakespeare, Dante, Cervantes, Goethe, Joyce, Kafka, et. The School of Resentment views the traditional canon politically, as a means the social elite drives home the inferiority of subject classes. This school is composed of Feminists, Historicists, Deconstructionists, and Afrocentrists, among others, all of who wish to widen the canon so as to include works of the oppressed: blacks, Hispanics, and women. Whether or not this fear is grounded can only be known in the future, but as a reader of Bloom it is always refreshing to be in the presence of a writer who is enthusiastic about literature, and has a solid command of his material.įorming bookends around his incisive critiques of twenty-six representative canonical authors, Bloom engages in a polemic against what he terms the School of Resentment. Harold Bloom’s The Western Canon reads like a work a desperation a work from a man convinced that imaginative literature as he knows it is dying, only to be replaced by literature of alienation. The Chaotic Age: A Canonical Prophecy.Ĭanon (Literature) | Literature - History and criticism.See also reviews of Bloom’s The Book of J, The Anxiety of Influence, and Omens of Millenium. Borges, Neruda, and Pessoa: Hispanic-Portuguese Whitman. Kafka: Canonical Patience and "Indestructibility" 21.

Woolf's Orlando: Feminism as the Love of Reading. Proust: The True Persuasion of Sexual Jealousy. The Canonical Novel: Dickens's Bleak House, George Eliot's Middlemarch. Emily Dickinson: Blanks, Transports, the Dark. Walt Whitman as Center of the American Canon. Canonical Memory in Early Wordsworth and Jane Austen's Persuasion. Goethe's Faust, Part Two: The Countercanonical Poem

Montaigne and Moliere: The Canonical Elusiveness of the Truth. Chaucer: The Wife of Bath, the Pardoner, and Shakespearean Character. The Strangeness of Dante: Ulysses and Beatrice. The Western canon : the books and school of the ages / Harold Bloom Book Bib ID